Practical Wisdom for Leaders with Scott J. Allen, Ph.D.
Practical Wisdom for Leaders is your fast-paced, forward-thinking guide to leadership. Join host Scott J. Allen as he engages with remarkable guests—from former world leaders and nonprofit innovators to renowned professors, CEOs, and authors. Each episode offers timely insights and actionable tips designed to help you lead with impact, grow personally and professionally, and make a meaningful difference in your corner of the world.
Practical Wisdom for Leaders with Scott J. Allen, Ph.D.
Team Blue Hens - A Chat with the CLC Champs
What does it take to be a Collegiate Leadership Competition champion? Join the coaches and team members from The University of Delaware, 2021 CLC champions, for their observations on the experience and their thoughts on student leadership.
Team Advisor - Susan Luchey is Associate Director, University Student Centers for Leadership Development. She's had a 30-year career in student affairs and created and directs the national award-winning Blue Hen Leadership Program. Susan consultants in the areas of higher ed program design, non-profit boards, and program development.
Team Coach - Garrett Beau Currie is a senior and pursuing a degree in economics with a concentration in econometrics. He was named CLC "Coach of the Year" and a former CLC team MVP. He has experience working in prehospital emergency medicine for three years in Maryland and Delaware.
Team Coach - Nishant Chintala is a senior pursuing degrees in honors computer science and finance. He's a former CLC competitor and MVP. He was recently named UD’s top male senior in the Class of 2021, winning the Alexander Taylor Award. He is headed to work for Bloomberg in NYC after graduation.
Team members include:
- Charlie Hannum - a senior honors computer science major while simultaneously pursuing a master’s degree in data science.
- Kyle Roberts - a senior communication major with a concentration in interpersonal communication.
- Craig Klevan - a senior environmental engineering major.
- Sean Friday - a junior construction engineering and management major.
- Matthew Weis - a sophomore honors computer science major pursuing minors in organizational community leadership and cybersecurity.
- Jacob Herz - a sophomore media communications major pursuing minors in history and journalism.
- Kathleen Knesek - a first-year art conservation major.
What is the CLC?
Collegiate Leadership Competition (CLC), a nonprofit founded in 2015, creates a digital practice field where students can actively apply what they learn via CLC’s global virtual competition.
Colleges and universities identify a coach and recruit teams of six students. Any student interested in practicing leadership is welcome. Throughout the experience, each team member leads one challenge and receives extensive feedback based on their performance.
The competition begins in January. Competition activities occur via Zoom. The top 25 teams with the highest cumulative point total after the first four challenges compete in the global head-to-head in April.
CLC’s curriculum explores topics such as the attributes of effective leaders, leadership/followership styles, creative problem solving, and influencing others.
Other Episodes About the CLC
- Meg U'Ren, Ashley Li, & Allison White - Leaders Developing Leaders at Western University
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Note: Voice-to-text transcriptions are about 90% accurate.
Scott Allen 0:01
Okay, everybody. So today, I have a group of blue hens with me, World Champion blue hens, intergalactic champion, blue hens, they are leaders, they are awesome. I just actually spoke to a class of blue hens today, in my day job. And that was an awesome experience. And you know, every time I have interacted with students at the University of Delaware, it's always just been a joy. So I am with the team that won the collegiate leadership competition last Saturday. And they are a fierce group of blue hens. They did incredible. We have their coaches, we have the participants. And I think we'll start off with our coaches today. So Susan, you have been involved in the CLC for probably this was maybe the third competition. And talk a little bit about your perspective, obviously, you are a proud, a proud individual right now. But talk a little bit about this team and what stood out for you.
Susan Luchey 1:03
I think what stood out for me was how quickly they bonded and worked together as a team. And they might have had a little bit of an advantage because most of them knew each other coming into this competition and had worked together in some way shape or form throughout the past two to four years, with the exception of Kathleen, who is our only first year student and our only female rep on the team, and, and a true superstar. So I'm going to be honest, I was really panicked about the virtual aspect of the competition. Because having been through the prior two years in person, and the energy that's generated in the room with all the teams and the noise and the cheering, I was really worried about how, how our team would stay motivated and energized in a virtual state, especially having four different rounds of that. And I think, in addition to the relationships that they have had coming into this team, the way that our two student coaches Garrett Coach of the Year and Miss Hanna manage the practices will always infused with humor always infused with meaning. But in a way, I think there were a lot of inside jokes, quite frankly, because we've a turn on the screen and Charlie would be giggling and I didn't see anything funny at all, or so they discovered that way to build that sense of trust and camaraderie, quite often. You know, through that sense of humor that Garrett, especially and Nash in their slides, Scott, I hope they I hope Garrett shows you a couple of their slides today.
Scott Allen 2:49
I've seen a couple in the coach of the year nomination application.
Susan Luchey 2:55
So yeah, I think, you know, we have the same materials as everybody else, but I'm not sure they came into it. Our team had a great background coming into it as part of a leadership program to begin with. And then they had two student coaches who were just wizards at strengthening that team trust and camaraderie. And I think they enjoyed it. They wanted to do well, for their coaches.
Scott Allen 3:19
Garrett was nominated one of the CO coaches, who's actually a student coach, and will introduce the two of you in a second, and Garrett, but they have two undergraduate serve as their coaches. This is a similar model to what's happening at Western University in Ontario. And it's a very cool model. So garrets nominated as coach of the year he wins, goes home with the trophy. I'm sure the paparazzi has been following you all around campus. All kinds of things are changing in your life. Now it's getting big, its money offers and deals are coming in now that your coach of the year, but what the two of you talk a little bit about the tone, you set how you approach the season, and just maybe a couple highlights for you. That would be wonderful to hear.
Garrett 4:02
So, um, yeah, I just want to thank you for the opportunity, Scott. I'm a little embarrassed by all that. But I think primarily the tone we want to set was that of, you know, a little light hearted. Yeah, I think definitely Nick and I are creative and want to challenge our students to think creatively. And, I guess, in a way CLC does challenge us to be, you know, kind of strict with following you know, like, the Ellen tests and, and, you know, trying to beat the clock and all those things. But first and foremost, we want to create a team that trusted each other wasn't afraid to, you know, I guess butt heads with one another. But a team that was all committed to winning and Improving themselves as leaders, first and foremost. And
Scott Allen 5:04
it's awesome. That's awesome. And this, how about a couple of observations from you, sir?
Nish 5:09
Yeah, yeah, that was incredibly well, said, Garrett. And if I could just add to that. Initially, it was, it was very daunting. With everything being virtual this year. We, I remember sitting in zoom calls with Karen and Susan, trying to figure out what the challenges could possibly be on zoom. And, you know, it was really, it when we were trying to get attention for the team, when we were trying to recruit members was hard to present what the competition was actually going to be like, yes. And that was like our biggest challenge. But I think initially until on, like, when we eventually got the team, I think that's when everything started clicking. You know, we would have weekly practices we have, you know, we'd approach everything in our own creative way. Whether it was the CLC curriculum, the terms. So I think that was the biggest thing here. We were just really creative. And whether it was creating slide decks or you know, hosting practices, everything was just, we tried to be different in every aspect.
Scott Allen 6:07
And have fun, right? I mean, that's so incredibly important, especially in this virtual space, adding in some fun, creating some inside jokes, having a good time, and hopefully learning in the process. I mean, I think that if we can accomplish that, that's a huge, that's a huge win. Now, I want to go to Kathleen, real quick. So Kathleen, are you a freshman at Delaware? Yes, awesome. So you are a freshman, you are the only female on this team. Talk about your experience. This is a awesome opportunity in your freshman year.
Kathleen 6:40
So I had first heard about CLC. Through our organization, we have different levels of leadership programs. And so I'm in like the question tier one. And my peer mentor had talked about it. And for me, I grew up in a leadership organization that my mom was in, back home. So I pretty much started leadership education when I was in elementary school, and I've always loved learning about it. So when I heard about the CLC, I was like, this is something I really want to like, try I like I have no clue what I'm getting myself into. But I always try. And I saw an email that was we need one more person, like come to the practice and like, try it. And I went to that I had no clue I was getting myself into and I just want to learn. I don't expect to get anything out of this. I just want to learn what this is. I can do it in the future. Yeah. And I never expected to be chosen for the team. And I'm so thankful that I was. And I've learned so much from all this you'll see curriculum, and just from having everybody else on the team that are older than me and smarter than me. I've it's been a great opportunity and a great learning experience.
Scott Allen 7:45
I don't know if they're smarter than you, Kathleen. Just for listeners, look, many are nodding their heads. I think shaking, shaking their heads. No, thank you, sir. I appreciate it, Craig. Okay. So Kathleen, thank you so much. What was the organization you're involved in? Starting in first grade was like four H or something? Yes,
Unknown Speaker 8:03
I was in 4H. So I'm from Texas. And we have a really big 4H program in Texas. And my mom was in 4H growing up. My grandma was in porch growing up. And so I was practically born into the organization. And I continued that all throughout Elementary in high school.
Scott Allen 8:19
See, that's just wonderful. Susan, that's such a fun connection. Because you and I have both been involved in the Association of leadership educators, which was founded out of a lot of the agricultural education field. And so I've always heard of colleagues that grew up in forage, and that's wonderful, Kathleen, that's awesome. So Jacob, Shawn, Charlie, Matt, Craig, Kyle, let's have a couple of you jump in. And maybe let's start with what were some challenges even on the day of what were some challenges you all faced on the day of the competition? Who'd like to jump in and maybe comment on that? Yeah, Sean.
Sean 9:00
So one challenge, especially for me specifically, I was the alternate for the team. So I came in basically, a week before the competition, not practicing with any of them. So I was extremely worried that like, they'd have their whole vibe kind of set up. And I'd kind of be on the outside there. But they really just welcomed me in with open arms. It was like, I was there the entire time. Yeah, and I
Scott Allen 9:26
guess I thought that was gonna be a lot more of a challenge than it actually was integrating with with the team. Hmm. Oh, that's awesome. For listeners. Oftentimes, in the culture of the collegiate leadership competition, there is an alternate and it's in case there's a leadership injury, right? So we have someone who can step in, in a moment's notice and take over and join into the group. And so Shawn played that role, which is an awesome role to play because then also, Shawn, I imagine for a lot of the day you are watching, observing, seeing all kinds of Things that you wish you could have said, Wait, stop, no do this right in because it's really interesting. Watching this whole thing from that end, isn't it? Yeah, yeah. It's fascinating. Well, Charlie, how about you, sir? What were some observations you had from the experience? It could be the practice season, or it could be all over the competition. What do you think?
Charlie 10:18
So I think the big experience that I had from this was seeing our work during the impact challenge. And I know before the challenges started, and when we were getting we were learning like what we had to do. We were definitely saying ourselves, come on, Scott, this is unrealistic. You're going to this 500 likes 200 viewers. Like, we couldn't believe that that's what we had to do. We were like, there's no
Scott Allen 10:38
imagine 200 students across the world saying, This is horrible. No way.
Charlie 10:44
Yeah, and that's exactly what he did. And I think, as we went along, we kind of, you know, we started to get the page together, you know, we started to figure out, okay, we're gonna, we're gonna partner with we got together, we pointed out or event. And then we've made a big push for, you know, getting the page likes. And, you know, we started seeing that number go up, like in a week is like, oh, wow, we're already up to 200. Like, yeah, we're flying here. And then like, a day of comes, we hold our event, we're all very proud of it. We see afterward, we got over 300 viewers, and we're like, we really made this happen. I think that was like a great combination to see, like, you know, we thought it was impossible at the start. And all of our hard work paid off, we were able to see that in our results.
Scott Allen 11:26
Yeah, Charlie, that's awesome. For our listeners, one of the competition activities is what's called an impact challenge. So teams have to organize themselves with a community partner, it could be a partner on campus, maybe it's a community or an organization in the community. And they had to really in a short timeline, three weeks, maybe put on an event, organize events put it on, and their goal was to secure 200 people to an online zoom event, partnered with this organization, they also had to achieve 500 likes on Facebook, because they needed to develop a digital campaign. I believe Delaware was the only team that achieved the full points on that challenge, which was 600, which they just need to be so proud of. There were a number of teams that maybe got over the 200 participants, maybe a number of teams that got over the likes, but I think they were the only team that got to that 600. And of course, it's a leadership challenge. It's a gnarly challenge that we kind of lay at the feet of the participants that they have to overcome. And it's a beautiful thing to see when they do overcome those challenges. And then, of course, we want to do some good in the world, and maybe make a difference in one small way, by partnering with this organization. And I'll say one more thing, and then Kyle, you're going to jump in. Really the ultimate purpose of this impact challenge other than doing good in the world is to practice leadership to really the students become the case study. And they're living all of the concepts that is in the curriculum of the leadership competition, problem solving, navigating stressors, leadership styles, followership styles, all of that stuff really comes to life. Kyle, you wanted to jump in there, sir?
Kyle 13:13
Yeah, I think Charlie said it really, really well. The impact challenging was daunting. It was an incredible mountain to climb. Yes, that was a pun towards the Everest challenge. But it was daunting. I remember seeing the activity sheet and saying, Wow, okay, we can drop 100 points. And we'll still be fine with those 200 page, people on our page, and also 500 likes. And I think, I must say the turning point for our team and competition was reaching the full 600 points. I couldn't I was incredibly happy when I saw just seeing those numbers go up to now it was 100. And then the next day, it's 160. And then all the way up here 300. And a part of me is like, who is liking this page, like where all of these legs coming from? And it was incredible to see. And not only did we get 500 we smash that we had 550 at one point. I really and it was just incredible to see how our team came together. Everyone pitched him work. I know I can say for certain Kathleen did an incredible job reaching out to her network. We all reached out the Kathleen went above and beyond for our team and we really would not be here and would not have gotten this points I must say without Kathleen. So you know she's a freshman but she is just better than all of us, I would say an incredible leader and I'm so grateful that everyone was on this team and was able to reach this extension points.
Scott Allen 14:52
So we had some we had some legs coming at us from Texas maybe that's awesome. Susan, you wanted to jump in.
Susan Luchey 14:59
I just want to address quick comment, I guess story almost the day we got that challenge or maybe a couple days into it one of our team members who will remain unnamed said, This is ridiculous. This is or not, we're not going to get there. But then I think the best thing they did is they were really smart and really intentional about the organization they chose, and the speaker they chose. So they chose an organization that they all have a personal connection to. But that is a hugely well known and popular organization on our campus to be positive foundation. And in addition, they chose one of our faculty members, Steve Mortensen, who you recently interviewed as our speaker, who is not the most popular faculty member of Delaware. He's certainly in the top five or awesome,
Scott Allen 15:45
he's awesome, though.
Susan Luchey 15:47
So they, I think that was a really smart move, because that is going to that was going to up their numbers. So I think that eliminated the stress level a little bit. And I just, to me, that was hugely, um, I guess strategic on their part.
Scott Allen 16:06
Yeah. And that's so critical. Susan, as you know, I mean, with that whole solve model, which, for listeners, it's a very, very simple problem solving model. But there's a difference between actually knowing it and living it. And so setting roles outline the problem, lists, multiple strategies, veer towards consensus, and evaluate results. And being strategic about how we approach that challenge can make all the difference. I had four teams I was working with, we were kind of whittling down to two. And two of the teams really thought strategically about who they partnered with, and who had large numbers of people already interested in engaged versus trying to take on the Herculean effort of just, you know, recruiting 200 people just kind of out of their goodwill. So major, major force in in succeeding in that challenge, Craig, talk to me about Sir, what do you think? What's an observation you have on the experience?
Craig 17:08
I guess just overall, it was really interesting. I'm a senior, and it's my first time doing CLC. So I heard there was couple spots left, so I figured I'd hop in. And then right away the knowledge challenge, I was just looking at these acronyms and going okay, these some of these are kind of silly than the next week. I'm like, talk in my room is like, Craig, what are you saying under your breath? I'm like, oh, like, well, personality, exciting vision. There's just a whole thing is just, I know, it was a really good time. And as Susan said, that 20 minutes ago, like the team really had a lot of camaraderie right from the beginning. And again, with the impact challenge, we were all admins on our Facebook page, we are all just watching the light pole go up and up and up. I want to hit 500. The day before we could turn it in. It was like it was just crazy to see. And I just, uh, we're all so happy and proud that we did it. Overall, just a really good time.
Scott Allen 17:57
Yeah. Because if you hadn't have gotten that other 50 points, I don't know if he would have been first I haven't looked at the numbers closely. But I think that effort in the impact challenge really brought you all over to the top. Am I correct? Garrett and Nish. You all looked at the numbers closely.
Nish 18:10
I think we still would have won. Oh, good. Point.
Garrett 18:13
Yeah. But I think the difference between first and second was sir and 70 points.
Scott Allen 18:19
Okay. So that's awesome. See, we still had it. I love it. I absolutely love it. Okay, who have we not heard from? Who Have We not heard from? Jacob. Matt? take us home, gentlemen. So Matt, would you be willing to share some of your observations?
Matt 18:37
I mean, I guess I should start with like, kind of like how Craig we started with, it was a really interesting experience for me. You know, I was exposed to it a lot during because I'm a sophomore right now. But I was exposed to it a lot. But like, just to like the lumen Leadership Program, like advertising it. And I was kinda like, I wanted to do it, but I just kept forgetting about it. And then, like, right before, I guess, The season started, someone had to cancel and you know, our coaches now Hey, we need one more person. I was like, yeah, I'll do this. I forgot to submit my application before I'll just submitted all these maybe I'll be like that alternate or something. So it was pretty, pretty amazing. For me when I ended up being on the team. I was like, amazed that I mean, that they saw something in me and then like, I don't want to go to off too much often like Garrett condition, choosing have already been saying but like, I feel like the trust in this new G is what helped me like, actually get better at the CLC stuff as we went along. Because there was like, I felt like I knew everyone and I was like comfortable with everyone. Like there is there is only like, maybe two participants who I just didn't know at the start of the season. Yeah. And like as, as we went along, I was able to also build those relationships with everyone else. And I feel like when we entered that final competition day, like the thought was that, like, I hadn't led something. And so I was gonna lead something at some point. Yeah. So I'm a little anxious, right. I was I was tossing and turning in bed the night before. So it was I, yeah, different reasons. Yeah. And then it was like, all right, and obviously anxious about and then we got into the competition like, I know, I trust my team, we can handle this. And, you know, it was a I was able to, you know, do good and that leadership and effectiveness. And it was all because of how much I knew and trust in all that synergy. We have a team. So
Scott Allen 20:39
that is my awesome, that's so cool. Yeah, there's some heat to this experience, right, that you're gonna have to step up and do your part. And when it's time and when you're called, do you have the skill? And that's, that's a little bit different than some other leadership experiences, because we're trying in a small way to simulate what might happen in other organizations. So hopefully, Shawn, Jacob, Kathleen, you all could take these skills to a different organization on campus, Student Government, or Greek life or student union programming board, Residence life, and apply them in that context, just as well. Jacob, sir.
Jacob 21:19
I actually wanted to touch on that a bit. Yeah, you did mention, you know, Saul, and I think since CLC is kind of a card sort of approach problems. Like, I'll give two examples for like, the Oreo challenge, right? Yeah. How are you supposed to, you know, like stack Oreos, or, you know, virtually, I think that was one of our hardest things you get the key or people like the tower falling in is people like, the monitor under their breath, like are
Scott Allen 21:44
saying that a good sound when you hear (Oreos Falling)
Jacob 21:47
Exactly. But you know, because we're able to, you know, set roles outline the problem, like list strategies that can help us reach, you know, the 40 Oreos first, however much it was, it was able to help us, you know, with the challenge, or even, you know, during the competition, like Matt, I was also feeding one of the events. I love the escape room. Yeah. And that is not easy to just kind of like Alright, guys, you know, I'm, it's, it's, you have to find like the fine line between meaning and facilitating. Yes. And, you know, so I think with this, I think one of the greatest takeaways from CLC is probably that, you know, so acronym that you can I give, I'll probably use it for a while now, at least, like you said, going out into other endeavors on campus,
Jacob, when we had to shift gears on CLC, last spring, because last year's competition was was not held because of COVID. And we knew it was going to have to be digital. We use that exact process. I mean, so we're not only teaching this, we're also as an organization constantly using this, even in all of our planning meetings, as a team, trying to figure out how to have 320 people on zoom. We were using that constantly. So that's, that's wonderful. And another thing that's really interesting about this experience, Jacob had mentioned, an Oreo challenge, basically, the world record, I don't know if you all remember, is it 4848 regular Oreos, stacked upon one another as a tower. And that's the world records. So basically, we gave the teams that challenge to beat that world record. And they could achieve certain points for certain levels. But even in that, you've got people who kind of get a little lazy and disengaged, especially towards the end, they stop, you have the stressors, they're all present, rapid change, tough working conditions, I've got Oreo stuff on me, you've got all of the concepts kind of wrapped into these different. And then it's really beautiful when you think about even that simple, tiny, silly challenge, which it is, it just is, but are people saying, Hey, everybody, go ahead and pick Oreos that aren't tilted to start with. So that your basis flat their strategy in that and you never think that there is if you start looking at what's actually happening in the impact challenge or the Oreo challenge or the knowledge challenge or the Everest activity that we did last Saturday, a lot of the concepts are there. And they're they're all around us in life, right again, in our student organizations at our internships in the classroom. So Jacob Yes, I mean, it's a for me, it's a mindset and if you're thinking about it and using it, it can really help so Garrett and Nish maybe close us out. And Susan, maybe after they close us out, you could have the final words and and close close us out.
Garrett 24:43
I love how humble everyone on this team is but yeah, they talk down so their accomplishments but they're they're all instrumental in making the season wonder member and leading to the championship so quickly, Charlie, and him was our team MVP. He was the leader during the knowledge challenge. And he's a return returner from the 2019 competition. And he brought some experience and veteran presence to the team. Shawn subbed in last minute, but was very helpful to everyone on the actual competition day. He's also a veteran presence from the 2019 competition. And he, he used his knowledge of 2019 to leverage our use of code words to help us score well on The
Scott Allen 25:40
Ellen tests and all of that. Jacob was a leader on the competition day. And he was wonderful. He got a five plus on the on that section of the challenge. And that's awesome, Jacob, that's awesome. Because if you look at the scores on the people are getting on the leader and team effectiveness. That's that's a great score. It really is, right? average between two judges. That's a great score.
Garrett 26:10
And he's a great problem solver who can stack some Oreos? I'll tell you. Kathleen, a freshman was a leader for the impact challenge. And so instrumental and I don't think I can stress that enough so instrumental in leaving everyone to get 600 points. She was relentless in her spreading of spreading out the Facebook page. And yeah, I think it was mentioned in the chat, but 31 countries were reached by our Facebook page. So goes to show. Craig is a senior, very bright guy. It was unfortunate. They couldn't make it for the day of the competition. But we all miss him and his witty humor. He he was great. During the spot challenge. He's a great leader during practices and helped everyone to feel comfortable with themselves. Kyle was our second leader, the impact challenge. And he's also a senior, who I guess is familiar with CLC would have been on the team last year and 2020. He had a great knowledge of the CLC curriculum. And he was a rock star on the day of the competition. Finally, Matt, Matt was our most improved team member. And for all his talk of being nervous and not confident on the day of he scored a 96 on the leadership and team effectiveness sheet. So huge. Kudos, man, you are awesome. And I guess everyone, we're so glad that you all decided to participate. And it was an absolute pleasure this year was pretty different from is a lot more different than one nation. participated. So this was in 2018. And he is the team MVP of UD. So that was her first championship and I participated in 2019.
Nish 28:18
Okay, you were unanimous MVP, right? Yeah, he likes to play this down. But Garrett was the he's one MVP times.
Scott Allen 28:28
Yeah. So everywhere he goes, he just got an MVP. What's going on here?
Nish 28:34
I don't know. He just approaches everything. So different. So yeah, no, I mean, incredibly well said there. I think the entire team definitely plays themselves down. But really, this team wouldn't be the same without them. I know, personally, I was very, you know, nervous going into this competition, because I didn't. I knew what CLC was in the past what it looked like. And this was just completely different. I feel like you know, this is it was a completely It was a lot more different this year. And so we had to like prepare for that. We had to make sure we understood the curriculum, the Canvas page, but ultimately, I think it really paved the way for our growth as leaders. And yeah, I'm really proud of the entire team. I see there's a lot of messages in the chat. Yeah, I agree. Garrett was actually thinking we should probably you should probably start a CLC Hall of Fame. Watching.
Garrett 29:26
Yeah, trophy tour, I think I think Nish and I have great chemistry. We've lived together for three years now. And we met in the first week of college, and we've been great friends ever since. And I think really, the thing that makes team UD different is that after the competition, we're all friends. And we all want to know how each other's doing and that's really what I'd say is different.
Scott Allen 29:52
Well, and that's so it's so wonderful to see something we haven't put in the curriculum. Maybe we have put it in there. I don't know if it is I Don't remember, it's something we often see, at least when especially when the competition was live and we're wandering around the room, you can tell when a team has a little bit of Spark. When there's some fun, there's some inside jokes. We're gonna, Hey, that was a small win, you know, and then everyone's kind of playing to the, to the judges and live laughing because we're just having a good time. And there's some spark and there's some energy. And it seems that that you all brought that to the table and made it fun, made it energizing, had a good time, did some great learning did some good in the world, and made a difference. And at least based on the image, I saw Garrett of the heck, it might have been a practice announcement. You had fun. You had fun, which is I love it, right? Because this shouldn't feel like another class.
Nish 30:48
Agreed. Yeah, no, we definitely took pride in creating those slide decks. We'd be happy to share them if you want to integrate them into the official curriculum. Yeah. We'd be happy to do that. We did have our unique take on them. So
Scott Allen 31:05
yeah, that's the best. That's what's awesome. Right?
Nish 31:08
I think you were featured on a couple of those Scott...
Scott Allen 31:11
Exactly! This is the guy we need to go after! Right? Susan, any final thoughts before we close out for the day?
Susan Luchey 31:21
I'm just so proud of this team. And they kept me in stitches. Throughout the practices I had very little to do. I would give some advice to Nish and Garrett but they didn't probably need most of the advice I gave them because they were a step ahead of me. During I think it was the escape room challenge. Or maybe it was a Mount Everest, but somebody looked at Mission Garrett and said, This is no impossible maze. Just like that cracked me up. Because I, you know, I think in our mind, we're expecting more Oreo, Oreo towers and not something quite as challenging. I also I put it in the chat. I don't know if you notice nition Garrett actually presented solve as part of our annual changemakers leadership conference last year to a breakout session that that had about 100 participants. So they are our our students are taking the CLC curriculum beyond, you know, the Brady Bunch squares here that we see. And I think it reinforces so much of what they learned through their four years in the blue hen Leadership Program. But it puts the theory that we teach them into this actionable language that makes it really easy to grasp. And there's a lot of acronyms, but they'll remember them. And they also can make connections between those acronyms and things that they have learned through our program. And, and from my standpoint, that's the most beautiful thing to see is that they each have kind of embraced this leader role through this program, maybe in a much more active way than some of them have through our program. So awesome. I love it. I can't wait. Shawn has already volunteered to be the coach next year. So our tradition continues.
Scott Allen 33:06
I love it. Well, I and I and I really enjoy the model Susan, that you've you've created where students as a next level experience for them can take on the task of setting that tone, because that's a leadership opportunity for Nish and Garrett as well, which is an awesome opportunity because they can grow and develop as they try and be a spark and influence the team and achieve the win and all that good stuff. Okay, blue hands. You have the President of the United States. You have the intergalactic leadership championship. You're doing pretty good. Thank you for your time today. Have a good one. Have a great emptier year for the seniors. Good luck with your next steps be well, and for everyone else. Especially. I know I'll see Susan again. I'll see Shawn again as well. But we look forward to seeing you soon. Good, good work you all good work and Kathleen, good work as a freshman stepping up and jumping in. That's just kudos to you. Great job. Okay, everybody. Have a great day.
All 34:11
Thank you.
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